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September 2, 2011

A Saviour Died For Our Sins

by Admin

Sin Brings Death

For the wages of sin is DEATH; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). The Bible teaches that it is our sin that brings death. How then could Christ die? The answer is simple, had Jesus not been murdered by His own people, He would have lived forever. Adam would have lived forever had he not sinned, but he did and death was the ultimate consequence. Jesus was perfect in every way, without sin! Jesus was crucified as a criminal for a crime He did NOT commit. He died for you and me, the righteous for the unrighteous. We all deserve to go straight to Hell for our own wickedness—If you don’t agree, then you have not been at the feet of Jesus.

One day, Jesus will return to take up His Bride (the church). This will happen in the Last Days. We have already seen many signs that assure us that the end times are now upon us.


Salvation is a gift from God that will enable you to spend eternity in Heaven. To receive this gift, you need to accept Christ into your life, repent of your sins and begin living a life that is pleasing to God. If you feel you have done too many bad things for God to forgive you, you are wrong. Whether you are old or young, rich or poor, a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murder and so on, if you truly repent in your heart and accept Jesus, YOU WILL BE SAVED.


Click to read more @Have You Been Save?

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